Monday, May 17, 2010

Fried Yellow Summer Squash

This weekend I planted five squash plants along with my two tomato plants. I know that they will produce more squash than I want to eat, but I'm preparing for overabundance. Here is the first of many squash recipes made with already-grown squash that I purchased with my plants from the farmer's market.

5 yellow summer squash
1 onion
4 teaspoons olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Cut onion in half and then cut into thin strips. Sauté onions on medium heat in a non-stick pan with one teaspoon of olive oil.
2. While the onion is cooking, cut the squash into thin rounds. When onions are soft and starting to brown, put in one third of the squash and one teaspoon of olive oil.
3. When the squash slightly brown on one side, push squash and onions to the outside of the pan and add another third of the squash and a teaspoon of olive oil. Cook until slightly brown and push to the edge of the pan and add remaining squash to center with remaining oil. Sauté until slightly brown. Stir the squash and onions together and cook them until they are dark brown in patches.

Update: I can't eat the onion in this recipe anymore because it is high in sulfur. I substitute an thinly sliced green apple.

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