Saturday, November 9, 2013

Grilled Tomato Lasagna


A low sulfur lasagna, not safe for people with dairy, wheat, or egg allergy

Lasagna is normally a sulfur bomb. With aged cheese, beef or pork, gassed canned tomatoes, and garlic and onions, most lasagna makes people who are sensitive to sulfur sick. This is a lower sulfur version. If you are not feeling adventurous, leave out the egg and spinach and cut the amount of cheese in half. If you are feeling ambitious, make your own white vinegar-based cheese because you will know that it will be low in sulfur. It was super tasty and made the best leftovers.

2 or 3 pints cherry tomatoes
7 lasagna noodles
1 cup fresh farmer’s cheese
½ cup fresh mozzarella cheese (the kind in a ball), torn into small pieces
½ cup fresh spinach
olive oil
1 egg
½ pound ground beef or organic or additive-free ground turkey

Special Equipment:
Blender or food processor

1.     Preheat the grill. Toss tomatoes in a tablespoon of olive oil and then cook them on the grill until they burst. Then remove them from the grill. Puree the tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of salt.
2.     Brown the ground beef or turkey in pot. Then add the tomato sauce.
3.     Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Meanwhile, cook the lasagna noodles according to the package directions. Make sure that you have not bought the no-boil variety, and make sure to not overcook them as the noodles will cook more in the oven.
4.     Mix together the farmer’s cheese, a beaten egg, and the spinach finely shredded.
5.     Oil a 9x9 casserole dish with olive oil. Layer sauce, noodle, sauce, cheese mixture, noodle, sauce, noodle, sauce, and mozzarella cheese.

Mozzarella cheese
Cheese mixture
Olive oil

6.     Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Allow it to cool for at least 10 minutes before cutting.

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